Learning lessons from being sick

Family! Friends! Love youuuu!
Happy Presidents' Day! Are you doing anything fun with your day off?

I got sick again. As we were leaving the VC Wednesday night I got
really lightheaded and dizzy again. I ended up throwing up all the way
home. Worst. Thing. Ever. Thank goodness we took a trash can from the
VC with us. Elder Crandal (one of the senior elders who works at the
VC) gave me a blessing before we left that night. It was very short
and simple but the words really touched me. I was essentially told
that Heavenly Father wanted me to be more aware of my limitations, and
I was also reminded that He is very happy I'm here serving and is
proud of me. I cannot be 100% all day every day, nor am I expected to.
I need to be a human first! If I can't function or feel happy because
I gave myself time to get better or even relax a little and
decompress, I will not be in a position to feel the spirit. Feeling
the spirit is essential to missionary work so it's pretty much
essential that I give myself more opportunities to do what Kylee wants
to do. #lessonlearnedthehardway

On Friday, the departing sisters sang us a rewritten version of "don't
worry, be happy". I know they planned that song for everyone, but I
also know that Heavenly Father had a very personal message in it for
me. Later that night we ended up teaching a lesson (something that
doesn't happen too often in our area), and I realized that I'm
happiest when I'm teaching the gospel and giving someone else that
opportunity to grow closer to Christ. The spirit was so strong that
night and I was able to see what true happiness is. I also experienced
another situation in which agency is exercised and I'm left
devastated. We had to officially drop T, she says she'll never be
baptized into our church but I pray that she someday reflects a little
more on the things she's learned and felt from us and the holy ghost
and eventually changes her heart and mind. I was also able to use that
song to help sister busath. She had written me a letter later that
week and those words kept popping into my head as I wrote back. I've
been praying that we can be companions, if not now then sometime in
the next 13-ish months. Woooaaaa, down to thirteen! Weird! Sometimes
it feels like time is still moving really slow, but other times it
feels like it's flying.

We had a why I believe event at the VC last Sunday. We have them every
month. New converts to the church say prayers, some share their
testimony, and we also have all the most recent converts for the month
stand up and introduce themselves. Then we have a keynote speaker. It
was the oaks this time, they are currently serving here in the DC
north mission and have served tons of missions prior. Some of the
missionaries here had the opportunity to perform a special musical
number. The song is called A marvelous work, and it also has part of
the spirit of god in it. It's a super great song and I'm glad I got to
be part of a missionary choir! I can't sing for the life of me, but it
is fun to sing with missionaries about missionary work! The oaks
talked about senior couples serving missions, but I was able to learn
a few things about my own mission. They repeatedly said that they saw
how serving a mission blessed their family more than if they had
stayed home to be with their family. That thought really stuck with me
that night and I know that you are all being blessed because of my
willingness to serve. That right there is reason enough to be here.

LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!! How is everyone back home?! What's happening
with everyone's lives?!