I love to see the temple

It was at the Visitors' Center last night, that my appreciate for the temple grew. Just two weeks prior, I had attended the temple and prayed for an experience there that would strengthen my testimony. I was hoping to better understand the purpose and sacredness of the temple in my life. I walked away feeling certain that God was there and that He loved me, but I wasn't sure if I left with an answer to my prayer. Per usual, the answer came when and how I least expected it to. Heavenly Father always provides the best answers at the best time - something I've grown to really understand and appreciate here in the mission field.

We were there for a tour with one of the young single adults (oh how I love these young people I get to serve!), and it felt as though everything was perfect. The spirit was there in abundance as we discussed our loving Savior, the temple, and the best ways to prepare for the spiritual experiences that await us within. Although the tour was meant for someone other than me, I felt overwhelmed with peace, love, and happiness as the spirit testified to me that there is no purer place to be than inside one of the Lord's holy temples. I know that Heavenly Father loves all of his children and that we can feel closest to Him when we attend the temple. I know that reading our scriptures daily, attending church weekly, and doing our best to follow the example of Jesus Christ prepares us for the direction and love that we discover inside the temple.

I mean it when I say it, I love to see the temple and I feel honored to be a sister missionary here in the Washington, DC Temple Visitors' Center. I couldn't pick a better place to be.

“In the temples, members of the Church who make themselves eligible can participate in the most exalted of the redeeming ordinances that have been revealed to mankind.” -- Elder Boyd K. Packer

Have questions about the temple?? Leave a comment below, I'd be more than happy to answer!
Also visimormon.org or lds.org for more information about temples and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.