final mtc letter

Our p-day this week will be Friday (the 11th). We get to go to the temple!! Seriously can’t wait! I haven’t taken everything out of my suitcases yet because I don’t have enough hangers. Whoever wrote online that we don’t need hangers lied!

We went to temple square this morning. It was weird driving past our freeway exit and walking around such familiar grounds. I still didn’t feel homesick, so that’s good. I did crave every single restaurant we drove by though. CAFÉ RIO!  We didn’t spend a ton of time on temple square today, but Saturday, we’re there from 3pm-8pm. We will be split up from our MTC companion and will be trained by a temple square sister. Our visitor’s center teacher, Sister Welch, served in DC! I love her already. I have been very blessed with amazing teachers here.

We just had our first “mock” visitors center meeting. I am once again feeling stressed and doubtful. Never doubtful of being here or serving a mission, but doubtful of my own capabilities and again, my ability to speak by the spirit. My perfectionist personality really gets in the way here. I keep raising the bar too high and expecting myself to immediately to be good at this. I know this takes time, effort and help from the Lord, it’s just frustrating when everyone else seems to be doing so well. I’m still struggling to sincerely love my companion. We are so different and the age difference makes it even harder. Maturity levels are a little different. It’s funny that I’m so open on my blog with complete strangers all the time, but opening up to her is super hard. I don’t like that it’s so forced. I’ve never been one to just meet someone new and lay out my while life story for them. Companions will definitely be one of my biggest challenges as a missionary – but I think we all new that would be the case.

We’ve been learning a lot about the Atonement here. We had the opportunity to hear from Elder John M Madsen (Emeritus) last night. He told us that the Atonement is not part of the gospel, it IS the gospel. He also said that true repentance is more than coming unto Christ, it’s becoming like Him. He also mentioned that when hands are laid on your head for a priesthood blessing it’s just as if the Lord’s hands are on your head. Essentially, Christ laid his hands on me and commissioned me to preach His gospel. Again, I am reminded as I’m writing this, that the Lord will NEVER leave me alone. He will help me do His work if I but rely on the Atonement. The Atonement means way more to me now than ever before. Not only are my sins taken care of but my personal weaknesses as a missionary and companion. Elder Madsen also said that at the heart of all temple ordinances, is the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Our Elders all left today. Elder Low and Christensen left Tuesday for Colorado Springs and Elder Hanson and his companion, Elder Naumdon left for Australia this afternoon. I actually really miss them. Who knew 18-21 year old boys would be so cool? I learned so much from them.

Well, I know why I was called to serve in DC. We started online proselyting last night. IT’S AMAZING! When people log on to Mormon.Org and click “chat with missionaries” that’s me! Sis. Holland and I talked to a young girl who is the only LDS member of her family… we also spoke to a guy from India. I love that we get to help members and non-members through chat. I also love there are so many resources at our fingertips. Hands down, my favorite part of being a visitors center sister.

Next letter… from DC!!!