Humbled by Christmas

Oh hey, I'm still alive...barely. Sister Rowley needs 40 more hours of sleep and 50 more hours of study time, so if anyone knows how to generate that, late Christmas gifts are definitely appreciated. Festival of Lights is keeping me busier than every finals week I've ever experienced added together, but this is better than taking finals, waaaay better.

Christmas was different for me this year. I'm away from home and my family, there was no snow in sight, and I really learned the importance of giving. Here comes that awkward moment when I admit that I'm kind of a selfish person and it's something I struggle with every day as a missionary, even Christmas day. This year, I learned a lot about humility and the beauty of giving. I don't have much time to write about the wonderful things I received over the past few days, but know this... in those gifts and acts of service I discovered the true meaning of Christmas. There are some amazing people here in DC, I am indeed a very blessed missionary. MERRY (day after) CHRISTMAS!