live from DC

This is the real deal, the real me, not just another letter sent home that my mom so graciously posts (thanks mom!). I AM BLOGGING! Heavenly Father knew exactly what He was doing when He called me to serve here in Washington, DC. Using the internet to share my testimony and beliefs is not a new concept for me, it's something I've been doing for years. Originally, I thought that becoming a full-time missionary would mean saying goodbye to blogging for 18 months, but turns out The Lord had a different plan. I'm so glad that He's in charge and that part of his plan is to utilize social media to share the gospel. This blog will continue to be full of letters and photos sent home.

You can also follow my new blog, one dedicated to my purpose as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Follow it, read it, share it, and even comment! I'm excited to be here in Washington, DC and I'm also excited to be here, online, doing my thing.