You can count on me

We attended a stake meeting last week where the message was loud and clear, members and missionaries are meant to work together. One cannot do what the Lord has asked without the other, nor are we expected to. It may seem too hard at first, you may feel like you don't have time to be a member-missionary, but I promise you that as you make time for the Lord, He will bless you and your efforts.

Sharing the gospel becomes easier when you study and come to personally know the doctrine. I am living proof of that principle; I did not read Preach My Gospel before beginning this 18-month mission, and the scriptures are still hard for me to understand, but as I continue to study and seek a personal testimony, teaching and testifying becomes easier and easier.

Sharing the gospel becomes easier when you pray for strength, courage, and missionary opportunities. As a missionary, I pray more often than I ever have before. I also use specifics when I pray, something that I picked up as a new and struggling missionary. I can promise you that prayers are heard and that they are answered - not always the time and way you expect or wish for, but God is always there, always leading you along, and always expressing His love for you.

Sharing the gospel becomes easier when you trust the Spirit to put into your heart and mind what to say and when to say it. This is the very thing I struggled with most as a new missionary. I continue to worry about what I say and exactly how I say it, but time and time again, the Holy Ghost helps me share the message that ought to be shared. In a sense He is a filter; what I say matters less than what the other person feels. The Holy Ghost is that mediator, He is the real teacher, and for that I am grateful.

After the stake meeting we found ourselves right in the middle of traffic jam. There seemed to be no beginning and no end to the line of cars we were surrounded by. It was in that moment of impatience, that it donned on me... this is exactly like people who are searching for the truth but know not where to find it. We, both members and full-time missionaries, know where to find it. We are blessed to have that truth and are therefore responsible to share it with others. Whether we notice it or not, they are lining up, just like those cars and the people within. There may be some impatience on their end, because they are so ready and so willing, but simply do not know which direction to go. We must set aside our fears and open our mouths! Be the type of person who can confidently declare to the Lord, "you can count on me!"

For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it —  Doctrine & Covenants 123:12